Directory Listing Help and Information

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Listing Help and Information

The ‘Listing Title’ is the name of the stand you are submitting, whether it has a stand name or the type of stand.  (I.E. The Rogue’s Plant Stand v.s. Plant Stand.)

Please write a description about the stand, the products it is selling and any other information you think other patron’s will find helpful.

‘Contact Email’ is for contacting the stand if you know the email address.

The ‘Listing Claim’ box can be checked.  This will enable the owner of the stand or market to claim the listing and add, delete or modify the information within the listing.

Click the ‘Category’ box the stand or market fits into. This will allow those looking for a specific type of stand or market to view only those in a specific category.

‘Listing Tags’ help define what is sold at the stand or library and help patrons search to find them. Examples would be: herbs, flowers, flower plants, vegetables, vegetable plants, herb plants, books, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, etc.

List any ‘Stand Contact Information’ that you find at the stand you are listing.

When listing a stand or farmer’s market, please include at least a photo of the stand in the ‘Listing Media’ section.  If you are able to take a short video to show the location and products at the stand, library or market, please include one to help others really get a feel for the stand and location.

When completing the listing locations please be sure to include the address and city of the stand as many cities / towns have streets with the same names.  When you have included all the pertinent information, be sure to click the blue “Generate on the map’ to place a marker on the map for other patrons to easily find the stand.

When you have completed all the information and are ready to submit the listing, please check the ‘I am not a robot’ box and then click the blue ‘Submit New Listing’ button.  This will submit the stand information you have completed.  It will be reviewed by the staff at ‘The Rogue’s Oasis’ and posted on the site and map as soon as possible.

Thank you for helping us to list and share the locations of all these wonderful stands, libraries and markets for everyone to enjoy and patronage!

Return to Directory.

To get started, click here to Submit new listing.  When you have completed all the information and are ready to submit the listing, please check the ‘I am not a robot’ box and then click the blue ‘Submit New Listing’ button.  This will submit the stand information you have completed.  It will be reviewed by the staff at ‘’ and posted on the site and map as soon as possible.

  Thank you for helping us to list and share the locations of all these wonderful stands, libraries and markets for everyone to enjoy and patronage!

For help on how to use Directory see this link.

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